Have a better conversation with your doctor.

Before you talk to your doctor, fill out the doctor 
discussion guide.

Have a conversation about your treatment routine. Do you like it? What would you change? It's also good to talk these things through with your doctor because they may point out something you haven't thought of that could make your routine more tailored to you. This checklist can help. You can save this as a PDF or we'll email it to you so you can take it to your appointment and bring it up on your phone. Anything to make it easier for you.


Section 1: My concerns

Section 2: My treatment experience

Section 3: My treatment goals

What is your biggest concern about your infusion treatments?

What concern do you have about your infusion treatments

Where would you like your infusions to take place?

Where would you like your infusions to take place

Is this different from your routine now?

Is this different from your routine now

Ideally, who would give (administer) your infusions?

Ideally who would administer your infusions

Is this different from your routine now?

Is this different from your routine now

How often would you like to get your infusions?

How long are you comfortable spending at each infusion?

Is this different from your routine now?

Is this different from your routine now?

How long are you comfortable spending at each infusion?

How long are you comfortable spending at each infusion

Is this different from your routine now?

Is this different from your routine?

What is the maximum number of needlesticks that you would be comfortable with at each infusion?

What is the maximum number of needlesticks that you would be comfortable with at each infusion?

Is this different from your routine now?

Is this different from your routine now?

How often do you have to change your daily routine after your infusions?

How often do you have to change your daily routine after your infusions?

How much discomfort do you experience in the day(s) after your infusion?

How much discomfort do you experience in the day(s) after your infusion?

Are you aware of the options for treating PI? (This helps your doctor know where to guide you.)

Here are some example questions you can ask your doctor too:

  • What can change about my treatment to address my biggest concerns?
  • What should I know about the different choices?
  • Which do you think is right for me, based on my answers?

What would you like to know about the differences between the two types of IG infusions—intravenous (IV, into the veins) versus subcutaneous (subQ, under the skin)?

Are you self-infusing now?

Are you self-infusing now?

What about your treatment is working best?

What could be better?

Would you be interested in a subQ IG that can be infused by a nurse?

Would you be interested in a subQ IG that can be infused by a nurse?

OK, which of your answers do you feel are most important to talk with your doctor about?

Any last thoughts?

That’s it!

Great job. Now, email it to yourself or download your answers.

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